We,Taniguchi Kouki Co., Ltd. ,observes Private information Protection Law and related laws and ordinances to have you use our site in peace and handle the personal information based on the following policies.
- Acquisition of the Personal Information
- Upon an inquiry or an opinion to our company, we may ask you to provide your personal information. As we need your personal information to response your inquiry, please provide them with your consent.
- Personal information use
- We disclose the purpose of the use, upon acquisition of the personal information. We do not use personal information beyond the range that is necessary for the objective achievement without your consent, unless it is accepted by Private information Protection Law and related laws and ordinances.
- Personal information management
- We take necessary and appropriate measures, including supervision of the employee, in order to prevent situations such as leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.
- Consignment of personal information
- We may engage in outsourcing to third parties about the handling of the personal information as far as they use personal information within the above purpose. We enforce necessary and appropriate supervision in order for them to handle personal information appropriately.
- Third party supply
- We do not supply personal information to third parties without obtaining your consent beforehand unless Private information Protection Law and related laws and ordinances have specific implications.
- Disclosure or correction of the personal information
- Disclosure or correction of the personal information Upon request of the disclosure of the personal information from self, we disclose your personal information immediately. When we cannot confirm your identification, we do not accept any personal information disclosure. When there is request of correction, addition, or deletion of personal information from self, we will handle with these requests immediately with appropriate investigation. When we cannot confirm your identification, we do not accept any personal information correction, addition or deletion.
- Change of this policy
- The contents of this policy may be changed. The change shall be effective from the time when we place the contents on our site unless we specify the effective date separately.
The last renewal:September, 2015
Taniguchi Kouki Co., Ltd
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